Letter to AnonymousTo “JJ”: Thank you for finding and reading my blog. Thank you for reaching out to me to tell me that reading my blog helped you. I...
It's been a year...It’s been a year since the abusive relationship I was in ended. It ended because he could not handle the fact that I was standing up for...
#standthefuckupOn the heels of watching the interview with Anderson Cooper and Jennie Willoughby about her abusive ex-husband, Rob Porter, I just need...
2017 Ramblings2017 held both the dark and light for me. Without one, you can’t know the other. I am thankful for everyone in my life that played a...
lessons for my younger selfif I knew then what I know now…. this is what I would tell her if I could go back 30 years: you are enough, just as you are. those worthy...